Do you know what this is??

Day 2 of our little trip to see family took us to Sharon, VT the Birthplace of Joseph Smith.  On a quick little tour of the location we came to this spot and this great story.

Do you know what type of plant this is?

Joseph Smith_Ginseng Plant_Rebecca Grace_Sharon VT

This is the last Gingseng plant that Joseph Smith Sr. had on the homestead property in Sharon VT


Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the Mormon Church was born in 1805 in Sharon, VT, into a hard-pressed farm family that eventually included ten children.

His father, Joseph, Sr. and his mother, Lucy Mack, had started their marriage auspiciously enough with Lucy’s ample dowry of one thousand dollars. But the dowry was quickly spent and the farm became overgrown with weeds.

In a desperate attempt to recoup his losses, Joseph Sr. invested everything he had left in a shipment of ginseng bound for China. He had heard that the Chinese would pay high prices for the root of the ginseng plant, which grew wild in Vermont.

When he failed to get a penny for his ginseng, Joseph Sr. moved his family to a farm near Palmyra, New York, in the western part of the state, in the heart of what was called the “burned-over district” for its frequent and fervent Protestant revivals.

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